Thursday, July 23, 2015



How will this experience differ from my own library classroom experience?

Today I taught a lesson on refreshing the knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System to 5th graders. We used the webiste to play together.  My school uses the ipads, this school uses chromebooks.  Not much difference there.  I liked that the school year ended on an refresher, educational note.

Will procedures be the same?  What does the end of the year look like at this school?

Procedures were pretty much the same as my own library.  Two weeks before school lets out all books must be back in and accounted for or paid for.  The last week of school, the library has no classes and does weeding and inventory.  My school has less assistant time so weeding often takes place over the course of the year, so that it is more manageable.  However, it works great for Clifty as they have plenty of help.   My school sells discarded books for .25 and that money goes towards library prizes for the next year or office supplies if needed.


How much book repairs takes place at the end of the year?
A LOT!  Clifty collects books that need repairing into questers (every 9 weeks) and then spends a day repairing books.  There were many more books to repair that one would expect.   The last nine weeks did not get repaired, so there were a semesters worth of books to repair at once.  Materials makes the difference!  We use DEMCO brand tape and they use Scotch and I much prefer the DEMCO brand! The scotch tape seemed much less sturdy and we repaired books that seemed liked they had just been repaired. In my own library, I would like to keep up with repaired books more frequently as often times the well loved books are the ones most checked out!

What are the procedures for trying to get lost books returned or paid for?
First: 3 notices are sent home with the child through the homeroom teacher.
Second: An email or snail mail letter is sent from library and office
Third: Phone call made home

I would only send home 2 notices before making a call and then send a letter lastly.

What happens if those books are not returned?
Field day is taken away (unless there are special circumstances) if the patron also owes for lost textbooks, they are taken to small claims court.  The reason being that small claims court cost $50 so the cost of the owed money must be greater than the court cost. I can see where this might be effective if a family owed more than just library books, but for just library books, I am not certain this is cost/time effective.

Who is in charge of making the budget?  Who has final approval?
The librarian over the district is ultimately in charge of the budget. In Indiana, you must have at least one certified media specialist over the elementary schools.  The day to day operation can be run by an assistant.  Each school has an assistant and can handle the budget so long as the certified librarian and or principal signs off and approves the budget.
What are the final preparations for the library at the end of the year/beginning of the year?
Weeding, budget and inventory were the major aspects for ending the year.  Making certain that computers were summer prepared, shelves covered, and books processed and ready for the next year.  The schedule is made (if principal has master schedule ready) and as much of the beginning of the year prep done as possible.   For the beginning of the year, classes are changed in the computer system, new students added, etc.

Overall, my experience was exceptional.  I think that it was very helpful to see the end of the year preps as much as it was to see the beginning in my first placement.  I learned a lot from the experience of those at Clifty Creek Elementary.  They were wonderful in giving me full reign with their students and teachers and letting me make choices on weeding and making me defend those choices!  Overall, a great experience that will certainly make me a better librarian!

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